Simple Listening | 50+ References & Resources

Listening and its enemies

The neural basis of feeling understood and not understood

Empathy, mirror neurons and sync

Constructing Memory, Imagination, and Empathy: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective

Wild Speech | Listening Through the Portal of Imagination

The meaning of empathy and imagination in health care and health studies

Empathy is more than "I hear you"

Why imaginative play is important for a child’s development

How empathy works

Amazing breakthroughs in the science of empathy

Brain imaging reveals neural roots of caring

Our brains are wired for empathy

These are the habits of empathetic people

Empathetic curiosity: How dialectic behavioral therapy builds better relationships

Out with empathy

Listening statistics

Listening skills self-assessment

How good are your listening skills?

The art of listening

Speed of speech < speed of thought

17 reasons people aren't listening to you

Listening to people

10 reasons you don't listen

Why people don't listen to facts

7 ways to get people to actually listen to you

8 reasons you're a worse listener than you think and how to get better

What great listeners actually do

The trick to being a great conversationalist could be the 'best-friend face'

Listen, Don't Look: Why Your Ears Can Tell More Than Your Eyes

The Key To Being A Good Listener May Be Listening -- Literally

Human Brain Mapping

People with depression are more likely to say certain words

When You Like Someone, Your Brain Waves Sync Up With Theirs

Human Progress: Not Inevitable, Uneven, and Indisputable

Radical self-acceptance

Bohm on dialogue

Zen Shin Talks

Constructive living

Raising Our Vibration Through Compassion and Unconditional Love

Want to Spark Innovation? Start by Changing How You Listen

How Active Listening Impacts Your Client's Brain

Heart intelligence

Intuition and decision making

How to Make Better Decisions by Improving Your Intuition

Intuition – It’s More Than a Feeling

The science behind intuition

Intuition may reveal where expertise resides in the brain

5 signs you're not listening to your intuition

How intuition drives innovation

Anxiety makes it harder to listen to your intuition

Can we teach effective listening? An exploratory study

Curiosity: The one superpower we don’t use enough and how to use it

Influencing with integrity